About 4D8-HACK

4D8-HACK is a 4-dimensional Rogue-like-game. This game is implemented with JavaScript and HTML5 Canvas. please enable JavaScript. This game is inspired by Michael Brough's 868-HACK.

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----hacker player. hit point is 3.
----crypt enemy. hit point is 2.
----virus enemy. hit point is 2.
----lap enemy. hit point is 2. it go thru .
----daemon enemy. hit point is 3.
----coinitem. hit point can be recovered.

How To Play:

move in
x or y.
swipe anywheredrag anywhereawdx
move in
z or w.
tap destinationclick destinationAWDX

Attack enemies
The motion in the same line can make attack to the enemy.

Power Item
The power item can recover the power of player.

Browser Support:

BrowserAndroid 2.2.8iPhone iOS7.1WindowsXP MacOSX
IE - - OK(11.0) -
Safari - OK OK(5.1.7) ?
FireFox- - OK(28.0)(*1)?
Chrome OK(28.0) - OK(33.0) ?
Opera ? ? OK(20.0) ?
(*1) Touch screen and mouse are not supported (keyboard only).


Other 4-Dimensional Game I made:

4D8-HACK version
programmed by koteitan / source code is at github
about and how to play the game
inspired by Michael Brough's 868-HACK